Friday, November 16, 2012

Birthday Girl Mama

We all have that one woman in our lives we have a love-hate relationship with. For me, it's my mama. (BUT, more love lah :) ) Before you mistaken me, let me please explain. Love-hate because I know she's telling me the hard truth and love us too much to see us get hurt. And there are times when pride and stubbornness get in the way and you just don't wanna admit defeat. But as they say, it's these roller coaster tensions that strengthens a relationship. Perhaps, I had to learn it the hard way, but when we do, we realize that all mothers only mean well. And only when its hurtful to our ears, those are the words that'll change us for the better. 

Mama has always been the gel of the family, planning surprises and get-togethers for everyone. And every year, she plans her own birthday parties because we are hardly as thoughtful as her. This year, it was no different. As mama's been busy lately, she didn't have much energy or mood or time to plan anything major. In fact, she was so considerate and was asking everyone for their schedules, so she could plan small lunches/dinner around our calendars to celebrate her birthday. Maybe it's the maturity that's kickin' in, that made me realize I SHOULD do something for mama this time round. So I gathered my forces...

To plan a small surprise party for mama!!

Aunty Dawn deep in thought
Gong Gong scrutinizing the menu

Got my dad, aunty Pai Hong (mama's elder sister), and aunty Cecilia (mama's good friend) to be my conspirators. So much had to be done in so little time. Guest list. Menu. Venue. Dress Code. Cake. Logistics. How it shall be executed. How not to let her suspect a thing. ahhh!!!!!!!! Thank Goodness it was a small and intimate party and everyone was so cooperative. And most of all, she didn't suspect a thing. This was our top worry, it's quite hard to surprise her cause she's so sharp. But she fell into our trap this time round!!!! MUAhahaha....Haha maybe I have an undiscovered skill for being undercover CIA, sneaky sneaky..tee hee hee hee ;P 

To shock to respond
Mama and big mama
Uncle Mun (he's like the older bro I never had) and Aunty Jennifer
Thank You Aunty Cecilia, one of our Conspirators 
Thanks Aunty Pai Hong (another conspirator) for getting our acts together
Our family
My adorable Po Po and Gong Gong whom I love to bits. You are the best grandparents anyone could ask for. Peace!!
Trying to capture an unglam  candid moment, but got busted instead. I think I gotta work on my undercover skills abit more.

Now that I know better, it's a love-love thing :) 

We were all missing Huang Mei Mei who was in London. 


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